General Agriculture One Liner Questions for Agriculture Jobs Part-3 For PPSC, PTS, NTS, OTS, or For any Agri jobs test
Certification is not required for? | Breeder seed |
Spinach, althea, winter wheat and oat are examples of? | Long day and short night plants |
Cystein, Cystine and methionine amino acids are? | Sulpher containing |
Food supply can be increased by reducing post-harvest losses? | 10-20% |
Citrus canker is a disease caused by? | Bacteria |
The smallest unit of recombination in the chromosome is called? | Citron |
Who discovered mitochondria? | Altmann |
In oat a site-specific cross between Ivena sativa and A busantus? | Fully fertile |
DNA is the genetic material that was first discovered by? | Avery et al (1944) |
Increased flower size has made tetraploidy important for? | Horticulturist |
Bovine is a term pertaining to? | Cattle |
Banana is a rich source of? | Carbohydrates |
In date palm male spathes enclose how many flowers? | 10000 |
Cabbage and cauliflower are also? | Cole crop |
Many chemicals are added internationally during production, processing or storage 10 improve the qualities of food stiff are termed as? | Food additives |
Phoenix dactylifera belongs to the family? | Palmeace |
A treeless arctic plain is called as? | Tundra |
Mollic refers to? | Surface horizon |
Approximate calories in 1 slice of the fried liver are? | 50 |
Which soil is suitable for rice? | Fine-textured |
Gametophytic self-incompatibility was first reported in? | Nicotine sandarac |
Who is known as “the father of Hybrid Rice”? | Yaun Longping |
Agronomy is a branch of Agriculture that deals with? | Principles of field management for crop production |
A healthy plant not selling seed may be due to? | Male sterility |
The term heterosis was coined by? | Shull (1914) |
When a single bud is used as a scion and inserted into rootstock is called? | Budding |
Which one of the following is a fruit? | Brinjal |
A cross of hybrid with one of its recessive parent is termed? | Test cross |
The protoplasm is? | Crysto colloidal solution |
Removing of certain shoots, cones, spurs from the base of the plant is called? | Thinning out |
Approximate calories in 32 ounces of cooked are? | 214 |
As a result of linkage and crossing over? | Exchange of chromosomal material |
A male horse which has been castrated is called? | Gelding |
When an albino plant of maize (female) is crossed with the normally green plant (male) all plants in the progeny are albino because? | Plastids are inherited through maternal parents |
System of planting banana suckers followed in Sindh is? | Square |
Conversion of inorganic P to organic P is known as:? | Immobilization |
Proteins fail to work? | Without acidic pH |
Tomato would not have turned red if? | There were no ripe apples in the box |
There is a cattle breed that is Dual purpose? | Meat purpose |
One of the following is not a technique in hybridization? | Inosculation |
Color changes leading to brown, grey and other in fresh and cured meat can arise from? | Microbial activity |
The storage life of honey at 31ºF with RH of 90% is? | 12 months |
Which of the following is not a legume crop? | Wheat |
An atmosphere with a reduced concentration of O2 and increased concentration of CO2 is called? | Controlled atmosphere |
A general term applied to a domestic animal is called? | Livestock |
The food in which the moisture content is less than 15% is called? | Stable foods |
The parry of Cauliflower which is eaten is? | Inflorescence |
Respiration rate in sheep is? | 15 -30 /min |
Amount of DNA is the diploid cells? | Coustant for all organismes |
Organic (O) horizon is absent in? | Arable soils |
What is a stump? | Shoot cutting |
Many groups of insects have developed resistance to DDT and other insecticides as a result of? | Polyploidy |
Enzyme proteases are used for? | Tenderizing meat |
The concentration of ethylene required for the ripening of Banana is? | 10 ppm with 24 hr |
Widely spread saprophytic fungi is? | Ascomycetes |
All organisms or cells having a chromosome number that is not an exact multiple of the monoploid or basic number is known as? | Aneuploid |
The influence of light on flowering in plants is? | Photoperiodism |
The formula used for calculating RSC is? | RSC=(CO32 + HCO2) ( Ca2 + Mg2) |
Which one of the following is a high salt-tolerant crop? | Lucerne |
Highly specialized plants reproduced by seeds are called? | Angiosperm |
Coconut is propagated by? | Sucker |
Smaller breeds have a temperature little bit than larger breeds? | Higher |
The exact formula for sodium hexametaphosphate is? | [(NaPO3)13] |
Tomato is a? | Day-neutral plant |
Which element can be fixed by smectite? | Kº |
What is the function of Gorge bodies? | Segregation of the products of synthesis |
In pulses, limiting amino acids include? | Tryptophan |
Heat requirement to change 1 Kg of a substance at its boiling point from the liquid to vapor is called? | Heat of vaporization |
Heterosis can be fully exploited in the form of? | Hybrids |
An adult female sheep is also called? | Ewe |
The giant chromosomes of Drosophila are found in? | Salivary glands |
Sugarcane is an example of? | Simple food |
Plants can be made disease-resistant by? | Breeding with the wild variety |
A cross of hybrid with one of its parents is termed as? | Backcross |
The common and easily available source of energy does not contain RNA? | ATP |
Cosmos, chrysanthemum, poinsettia are examples of? | Short day plants |
The photosynthesis reaction is determined by? | Hill reaction |
DAP fertilizer available in Pakistan contains? | 18% N & 46% P2O5 |
What percentage of land is cultivable in the world? | 11% |
The organic evolution took place about? | 200,000,000 years |
The nutrient stimulating vegetative growth is? | Nitrogen |
Chitin and steroids are? | Carbohydrates |
Parthenocarpic refers to? | Seed less fruit |
The highest milk-producing cattle in Pakistan is? | Sahiwal |
The fertile eggs are never be stored at a temperature less than? | 11°C |
Organic evolution through large discontinuous variations was propounded by? | Huge and Vnes |
A female horse less than one year of age is called? | Filly |
The process that converts glucose to pyruvic acid is? | Glycolysis |
Tropical and subtropical fruits have the highest level of? | Maltose and starch |
Hydrosphere refers to? | Zone of water |
Which are the necessary conditions for the Hardy Weinberg principle for applying to the genetic population? | High mutation ratio and small population |
Haploid plants have been produced by another culture in tomato by? | Greshof and Doy (1972) |
The shape of an egg is a? | Heritable character |
The exact chemical formula of DAP fertilizer is? | (NH2) HPO4 |
In meiosis homologous chromosomes separate from each other in? | Anaphase I |
Anaerobic respiration is known as? | Fermentation |
The amount of feed that the animals consume during 24 hours without any compulsion is called? | Voluntary feed intake |
The composition of igneous rock is determined by? | Composition of molten magma |
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