General Agriculture One Liner Questions for Agriculture Jobs Part-7 For PPSC, NTS, OTS, FPSC and all other Jobs
Question | Answer |
An ion or molecule in the coordination sphere central ion is called? | Ligand |
The experimental design which controls fertility variation in one direction is known as? | RBD |
Planets in our system are? | 8 |
Male sterility in the flowering plants was first reported by? | Koelreuter (1763) |
Most abundant mineral in the earth’s crust is? | Feldspar |
Permanente wilting point of clayey soils is not less than? | 10% |
Which is the flavor enhancer in meat products? | Monosodium glutamate |
Mechanisms of material uptake by plants is by? | Mass flow |
The role of the nucleus in regulating the morphology of the plant was discovered in? | Acetabularia |
In flood rice, snail feed on bacteria called? | Azolla |
Maximum vegetable crops belong to the family? | Cucurbitaceae |
Calf diphtheria is a disease caused by? | Bacterial |
The process of mixing soil by fauna and flora is called? | Pedoturbation |
Agar is an extract from? | Algae |
Carbohydrates synthesis is carried out by? | Plastid |
A nullisomic individual is represented by? | 2n-2 |
Ruminants can digest fiber because they contain? | Enzyme cellulose |
The highest milk-producing cattle in the world is? | Holstein Friesian |
Transaminase is an example of? | Transferases enzyme |
Oxidation, as well as condensation reaction similar to non-browning due to irradiation, have been observed in? | Carbohydrates |
Pynivate carboxylase is an example of? | Ligases enzyme |
Vitamin-D is a? | Fat-soluble Vitamin |
How much of the earth’s surface is covered with water? | 70% |
A controlled oxidation process by which all organisms ultimately obtain the energy stored in organic compounds is known as? | Respiration |
Nobel prize for the discovery of operon model was awarded to? | Jacob and Monod (1965) |
The significance of difference among several means is tested with the help of? | F-test |
A reproductive part of the plant which is responsible for the production of fruits and seeds is called? | Flower |
Pellegra is a disease which is due to deficiency of Vit? | Niacin |
The most widely spread mineral in the world is? | Kaolinite |
While handing concentrated acid bases or other hazardous chemicals used? | Fume hoods |
Auxins promote? | Cell elongation |
The storage life of fresh beef at 34ºF with RH of 92% is? | 1-3 weeks |
What is the total length of irrigated canals in Pakistan? | 64000 km |
Father of weed Science? | Jethro Tull |
Rocks formed from compacted clay or mud are called? | Shale |
The complex fertilizer Nitrophos available in the market contains? | 23%N & 23% P2O3 |
Trees are characterized by? | Single central stem |
Biotin is the name given to vitamin? | Vitamin H |
The time for which water and ion remain in the vicinity is called? | Residence time |
Which types of fruits are known at higher altitudes in KP, Balochistan and Murree hills? | Pomes |
The safe limit of No2 in drinking water is? | 10 mg L-1 |
The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust and toxic to plants in low concentration is? | Al |
The Buffalo which is commonly known as Panj Kalyan is? | Nili Ravi |
Where environment temperature is high the poultry house should face toward? | North-South |
The Chorion is a membrane around the yolk of egg, it develops from? | Mesoderm |
The storage life of mangoes at 50ºF with RH of 90% is? | 1-2 weeks |
The problem of soil erosion in Thal and Cholistan is predominantly due to? | Wind |
The available form of calcium to plant is? | Ca(free cation) |
The storage life of fresh mango at -1 to 4ºc is? | 1-2 weeks |
Ayrshire is a breed of cattle? | Dairy |
Main product of photosynthesis is? | C6H12O6 |
The management of plant structure and fruiting wood is called? | Pruning |
Which technique is also called Insacco or Nylen bag technique? | In Situ |
A compound or a chemical substance that is essential for the maintenance of the body and has a specific role in nourishment if called? | Nutrient |
The chemical formula of Hematite is? | Fe2O3 |
Which one of the following is used as an antioxidant? | DNA |
A series of electron transport coupling factors which transfer along with electrochemical ingredients, yielding ATP, in light is called? | Photophosphorylation |
Pioneer of incubation were? | Egyptian & Chinese |
Air layering is also known as? | Ghooti |
Mango stock for grafting is raised from? | Stones |
Erucic acid is found is? | Mustard |
In banana synthetic flavor additive used is? | Amyl acetate |
Liquid food drinking is? | Pinocytosis |
Continuous variation is attractions are attributed to? | Crossing over |
When sugars are heated under controlled conditions in the absence of water, they form a hydro sugar, that is readily polymerized to give typical taint and brown pigment this process is called? | Caramelization |
Apheliotropic gene is one which? | Affects more than one character |
The geometrical device that helps in visualizing all the possible combinations of male and female gametes known as? | Mendel square |
An antioxidant is used to reduce the process of? | Oxidation |
Apple apricot, plum, date, olive and peaches are rich in? | Minerals |
Color of fertile soil is? | Black |
A branch of Horticulture dealing with the production of fruits and their distribution is called? | Pomology |
The chief function of the centromere concerns? | Chromosome movement |
Parthenocarpy is the production of? | fruit without fertilization |
External or internal deviation in the birds caused by an unusual process called? | Stress |
Those rams whose breeding worth is known, is known as ? | Experienced ram |
In tomatoes, Boron deficiency leads to:? | Cracking |
The average per capita world consumption of milk per head per day is? | 320 g |
Na and k can be determined by the use of? | Flame photometer |
The ATP formed in? | Mitochondria |
Training of animals to give them desirable qualities is called? | Tamed animals |
A soil with an ESP greater than 15 is usually classified as? | Sodic soil |
Due to the action of ultraviolet rays of the sun, the human body produces? | Vitamin D |
Carbohydrates are separated by? | Gas-liquid chromatography |
If the quantity of organic matter is more than 50% is called? | Peat soil |
BHA and BHT are examples of? | Antioxidants |
Plants with persistent leaves are? | Evergreen |
Which animal has a beard? | Goat |
Sweet potato is? | Root |
The food in which the moisture content ranges between 80-90% is called? | Perishable foods |
Maize plant belong to? | C4 plants |
Dispersal of seeds by parachute mechanism is present in? | Cotton |
The crossing of a homozygous tall plant and a homozygous dwarf plant would yield plants in the ratio of? | All the heterozygous tall |
Which silica mineral is present in the soil in an abundant quantity? | Quartz |
Approximately caloric value in Kcal/100 g of walnut is? | 650 |
Male ass is called? | Jackass |
Seed is? | Transformed ovary after fertilization |
Lime, lemon juice and pickles are? | High acid foods |
Poncirus sweet orange is the hybrid cross of? | Citranges |
Loss off leaves due to seasonal change is? | Defoliation |
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