Aeroponics is a soil-less form of gardening where plants are grown suspended in air and sprayed with water and nutrients. This cutting-edge technology offers many benefits compared to traditional soil-based methods, including faster growth rates, higher yields, less water consumption, fewer pests, and reduced need for fertilizers.
There are various aeroponic systems available on the market, from small-scale indoor units to large-scale outdoor operations. Depending on your budget and space requirements, you can choose different types of equipment that will meet your needs. When selecting aeroponic systems for commercial or home use, it is important to consider costs, water quality, and environmental impact.
Aeroponics is a modern plant cultivated technique. In this system traditional method of planting crops in soil is not preferred instead whole plant is suspended in the air. Essential nutrients are given by spraying the water to the root. This is an efficient method of providing nutrients without wasting resources. It is commonly used in laboratories to promote sustainable agriculture.
What is Aeroponics?
Aeroponics is a form of hydroponic gardening where plants are grown in an environment without soil, using only air and a nutrient-rich mist or fog. This method involves suspending plant roots in a closed or semi-closed chamber and regularly spraying them with a fine mist of water and nutrients.
The roots then absorb the moisture and essential nutrients directly from the air, creating an ideal growing environment for plants. This allows for more efficient uptake of nutrients and also eliminates the need for soil, making it perfect for indoor or urban gardening.
It is the technique in which plants are cultivated in such a way that their roots are suspended in air and nutrients are provided to plants in air (mist) form. In this method any kind of soil is avoided, instead, water or hydroponic solution is sprayed at plants’ roots. This whole process also does not need any medium to grow.
History of Aeroponics :
Aeroponics was first introduced in the 1920s but it was only encouraged in 1980 BC. A Dutch biologist named Frits Warmolt in 1957 worked on tomatoes and coffee and introduced the aeroponics. He went in 1957 but it took 29 years for the first aeroponically grown food to be sold in a national grocery market. Aeroponics was not implemented into farming because it is a slow-progress technique.
Dr. Frederic Gericke, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley coined the term “hydroponics” and conducted research on growing plants without soil using water and nutrients.
In the 1970s, NASA also experimented with aeroponics as a way to grow plants in space. They found that aeroponically grown plants had a faster growth rate compared to plants grown in soil, making it an efficient method for growing crops in space-limited environments.
In its early years, NASA thought of the idea of growing plants without soil in space, aeroponics helped them to maintain huge savings. Farmers usually prefer traditional farming or hydroponics techniques but aeroponics catches the attention of many foreigners with its incredible concepts in the early 20s.
After that time, the Aeroponics concept became unpopular for three decades, scientist named Richard J. Stoner, again helped to gain the attention of people. No doubt, today this technique is very well known in fancy restaurants due to the GodFather of Aeroponics.
Today, aeroponics is widely used by commercial growers and hobbyists alike, with various modifications and advancements being made to the initial concept.
Development of Aeroponics system for production:
In Mexico, aeroponics is a commonly used technique rather than other planting techniques. In aeroponics, there is control over temperature, pH, and many other factors like humidity, etc. Aeroponics can be applied in many different ways with suspended roots in air but this method is more common in vegetables than other crops.
The growth rate of Aeroponics plant:
Studies have found that plants grown using aeroponics had a higher growth rate than those grown in soil. This is mainly due to the fact that aeroponic systems provide an ideal environment for the roots, allowing them to remain moist and oxygenated. Aeroponic systems also promote faster nutrient uptake, leading to faster plant growth.
Aeroponics plants are double the height of soil-borne plants. Aeroponics plants can gain a maximum of 70cm in length in just 56 days. Triterpenoids and sterols are higher in aeroponics plants’ dry weight than soil-borne plants.
Importance of Aeroponics:
Aeroponics is an important part of modern agriculture. It can help increase crop yield with minimal water and space requirements. This makes it ideal for large-scale production in greenhouses. Aeroponics also helps reduce the amount of water needed for irrigation, saving both time and money for farmers.
By suspending roots in the air, plants utilize all the energy to grow more leaves and flowers and bear more fruit which automatically increases yields.
- Plants take less time and effort to grow vigorously.
- Aeroponics promotes health.
- Aeroponics reduces food waste and helps fruit have great texture and flavour.
- Aeroponics helps the plant to grow five times more rapidly than any other breeding method.
Types of Aeroponics System:
- Deep Water Culture (DWC): In this system, the roots are suspended in a nutrient-rich solution.
- Nutrient Film Technique (NFT): This system involves the flow of a thin film of nutrient solution over plant roots.
- Vertical Aeroponics: This aeroponic system is commonly used to maximize space and energy efficiency while reducing water usage.
- Top-fed Deep Water Culture (TFDWC): This system combines the best of both DWC and NFT, where the roots are submerged in a deep water culture and regularly fed by an NFT drain. Benefits of Aeroponic Farming
- Other types of aeroponics systems: are low-pressure and high-pressure. Low-pressure systems use a spray nozzle to mist the roots with a fine spray of nutrient solution and oxygen, while high-pressure systems push the nutrient solution through a narrow tube directly onto the roots.
How Aeroponics Works?
Aeroponic systems rely on a combination of humidity, airflow, and pressure to deliver the nutrient solution to the roots of plants. Nutrients are mixed in water and fogged with an aeroponic fogger or sprayer into the air surrounding plant roots suspended in air or in a soilless medium such as rock wool. As the droplets evaporate, they release oxygen into the root zone providing an airy environment with maximum exposure to oxygen. Aeroponic systems also use timers and pumps that are programmed to deliver nutrient solutions on a regular basis, usually every few hours depending on the system parameters or the type of plants being grown.
For the system to work Aeroponics need the following for better growth:
- Light: Light helps plants to perform photosynthesis and store the energy for further use.
- Support Structure: It enables the root to grow with the help of support without losing balance. For this purpose Cloth, May be used to separate the plant from its roots.
- Water and Nutrients: Water and other nutrients are given to plants by mist to give better performance than other breeding methods.
Tools used in Aeroponics System:
There are the following tools used in this system;
- Container to stored nutrients.
- Nozzle for spraying
- Pump
- Basket for nutrient suspension.
- Tube to distribute water
- Growing Chamber.
- Timer to on-off pump.
Basic components of Aeroponics system:
Aeroponics permits the plant to use less water and fertiliser which in return proves sustainable for the environment. Its basic components are the following:
- A water supplier for the storage and supply of nutrients and water.
- Repetition of the cycle several times for better roots and fruit yields.
- A pump to transfer the nutrients and water.
- Nozzles for misting of water and nutrients.
- Collars for growing.
Comparison with other systems:
Usually, comparisons are performed to check the overall performance of the plant with respect to its surroundings and another system. There are two systems hydroponics and soil-borne systems other than aeroponics. Both methods of comparison are described below:
1-Hydroponic System:
In a hydroponic system, plants are continuously submerged in water without any interval or break In contrast Aeroponics plants are suspended In the air with little water in the form of mist. Both methods do not require soil for growth but aeroponics is considered to be more efficient for plants than hydroponics system. Both methods have unique features in them which make them favourable for plants.
2-Soil-borne system:
Plants grown in soil are provided with nutrients through mineral in soil, while hydroponic and aeroponics system does not need soil for growth. A plant grown from an aeroponics system yields 30 per cent more than any other system. Aeroponics provide a controlled environment with optimum temperature, pH etc. Aeroponics gives more healthy plants than soil-borne systems.
Steps to set up aeroponics system:
- Firstly, join the chamber and support the structure.
- Then install the nozzles in the growing chamber.
- Now connect the mist system with the Pump.
- After installing the timer, mix the nutrients.
- Set up a lighting system for photosynthesis.
- Place plants into structure support like cloth.
- Now give them optimum conditions of temperature, pH, humidity etc.
- Now maintain the system and check and inspect them for better work.
Advantages of Aeroponics System:
- Increased growth rate: By delivering nutrients and moisture directly to the roots, plants in an aeroponic system can grow up to 50% faster compared to traditional soil-based gardening.
- Water efficiency: Aeroponics uses significantly less water compared to other forms of agriculture as the misting system recycles water and nutrients continuously.
- Space-saving: Since aeroponics doesn’t require soil, it can be set up in smaller spaces, making it ideal for urban gardening or indoor gardens.
- Fewer pests and diseases: Without the presence of soil, there are fewer chances of pest infestation or disease transmission in an aeroponic system.
- This system allows the Nutrients to reach the plants with great precision.
- Plants obtained from aeroponics are free from pests.
- Plants have access to the roots all the time.
- Crops introduced by the aeroponics system have a higher value than crops obtained from different systems.
- Less labour is required thus the efficiency of the system is increased.
- Aeroponics helps to save water and nutrients.
Positive impacts of Aeroponics System:
Aeroponics systems have the following impacts on plants and their systems:
1-Plant yield:
As the aeroponics system is a soilless system, it helps the plants to grow taller with greater biomass of roots. Plants do not encounter any pest attacks, thus all the energy of plants is used positively in developing leaves, fruit and height of plants.
2- Use of resources:
Nutrients and water are used in the form of mist and directly applied to roots, which demonstrates the efficient use of resources without wasting any extra material.
3-Reduce risk of pests:
Aeroponics plants do not encounter any stress like pest attacks, as plants are grown in the suspended form which helps the plants to avoid the pest attacks.
4- Plant location:
Any variety of plants can be grown without any restriction as the location is flexible. Plants are not bound to a single location rather they are allowed to grow in any hangings etc.
Negative Impacts of Aeroponics System:
Its impact includes the high construction costs required high maintenance of the system and a high level of knowledge, on how to operate the machinery.
All these must be solved for convenient use.
Challenges in Aeroponics system:
The following challenges decrease the potential of the plant to grow in controlled conditions:
- No, the growth system works perfectly. Aeroponics is a very expensive system which needs high cost for operation with high voltage, it also needs a good knowledge of machine to operate the system.
- Sometimes water droplet size becomes irregular due to nozzle size, and large droplet or smaller drop of water leads to oxygen deficiency which directly affect the plant’s sustainability.
- The system needs a power supply continuously any interruption in electricity affects the plant’s development.
Strategies to overcome Challenges:
There are the following strategies to overcome:
- Nutrients must be maintained for proper diet.
- Prevention of clogging must be done at regular intervals. For better results use high-quality nozzles.
- Plants must be given a moderate amount of nutrients, neither excess nor less.
- Humidity and temperature must be in control.
- The backup system must be present in case of emergency.
- Staff must be trained and well-educated.
- Root health must be in check.
- The record must be kept for future use.
Previous Research work:
Aeroponics systems have gained the attention of many researchers in Past and they all agreed to use this system. In a short time, aeroponics systems became popular both in indoor and outdoor plants. In system was basically developed for space. But at present time this system can be used normally for research purposes. This system is proven as a potential source for food security issues. Most tourism companies and hotels adopted this technique for good quality food. By using this method various vegetables were grown and successful.
Issues in soil-based systems:
Crops are traditionally grown in soil. As soil contains minerals and nutrients in it environmental degradation, erosion and pest attacks are likely to increase in the soil-based system.
Which system is better soilless or soil-based?
Much work was done in past and many more are yet to come. Both methods have a positive impact on nature but also contain some constraints. As farming starts, soil-based is one of the most used methods, but with the passage of time we faced many issues regarding crop yield and height these issues are due to soil health, thus researchers introduced the soilless method which is aeroponics. In this method no soil is used this crop health as well as human health is maintained.
Which system is better hydroponics or soilless farming?
Hydroponic is the system in which plants are partially and totally submerged in water for the uptake of nutrients. In this system sometimes oxygen does not reach roots due to a continuous supply of water, thus this reduced oxygen limits the plant’s height and affects the yield. Hydroponics and aeroponics both are advanced methods thus plants grow faster in both systems. Hydroponic system is easy to maintain as compared to aeroponics which needs higher maintenance due to heavy machinery. Both methods has their own drawbacks and plus point but aeroponics is quite expensive so for beginners, hydroponic is best. However, aeroponics has more potential for yield and plant growth if managed well.
Role of aeroponics in Sustainable Agriculture:
The role of aeroponics in sustainable agriculture is significant. Aeroponics, which is a soilless cultivation method, plays a crucial role in maximizing crop yields while minimizing resource usage. By delivering nutrients directly to plant roots through a misting system, aeroponics promotes efficient nutrient absorption and water conservation. This innovative approach empowers farmers to grow more food with less land, water, and fertilizers, making it a sustainable solution for feeding the growing global population.
Aeroponics has a positive impact on sustainable agriculture. It plays a significant role in Agriculture by using the following:
- Aeroponics uses less water. This system is highly water efficient.
- Nutrients are given in average portion by mist thus beneficial for plants’ roots and shoot system.
- Plants in an aeroponics system grow faster due to moderate and controlled conditions of the environment.
- Pest and disease attack is less.
- Aeroponics does not use Soil, thus it helps in the prevention of land degradation.
- Research work must be encouraged for the most impact.
How does Aeroponics Tower work?
The Aeroponics Tower operates by utilizing a high-pressure misting system to deliver nutrients directly to plant roots, allowing for optimal growth and increased yields. This innovative method provides a highly efficient and space-saving solution for cultivating plants in a controlled environment.
Aeroponics tower works by suspending plant roots in the air for efficient use of land and space.
Its tower works the following:
- Structure (Cloth).
- Positioning of plants.
- Nutrients Approach
- Uptake from roots
- Recirculation
- Controlled environment
- Proper monitoring.
- Harvesting.
Additional information on the Aeroponic system:
- Regular maintenance is key: Unlike soil-based gardening where plants can get nutrients from the soil, plants in an aeroponic system solely rely on the nutrient solution. Therefore, it’s essential to regularly check and maintain the nutrient levels to ensure healthy plant growth.
- Proper ventilation: Good air circulation is crucial for aeroponic systems as it helps prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria and fungi. Consider adding fans or air pumps to improve airflow in your system.
- Experiment with different setups: There are various ways to set up an aeroponic system, including vertical towers, horizontal tubes, or even hanging baskets. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you and your plants.
Aeroponics is a fascinating and efficient way of gardening that has numerous benefits over traditional soil-based methods. With the right set-up and proper maintenance, you can easily grow healthy and bountiful crops in any space using aeroponics.
Aeroponics is a highly encouraged advanced method, This method is highly efficient method as it does not require soil to grow, large land area to occupy, high water supply for plants. This method is usually done in a controlled environment. The only constraint in this method is high maintenance, for this purpose labour must be trained and hard working. This system is designed to use less area and give maximum yields. Nutrients are directly given to plants which ensures the yield of plants. Its success depends on many factors which also include proper monitoring and management. This method not only promotes plant health but also human health. In this era where food is a global issue, this method can bring innovation in food security and prove to be successful.
Ayesha Khawar
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad