The majority of Farmers Waste their input by use of improper methods and improper quantities of different agrochemical compound which leads to economic damage and waste their income, so the cost of production for field crop is increased and the former does not entertain well as they desire. More than 40% – 50% efficiency of fertilizers water and pesticides is not used by crops.
When the words weeds come To mind then loss comes to mind actually this is not a hundred per cent true no doubt weeds compete with the crop for food space and place but crops also compete with each other. if we adopted some proper careful management practices we cover weeds and fields are smoothly controlled.
Weeds are also helpful for crops and fields as some weeds role in covering crops and some weeds are restorative (add nutrients to the soil) sometimes farmer control weeds by using of same pesticides that used the previous time that no positive effect instead this chemicals add in soil and affect soil fertility and soil productivity by use of proper weeds management method we used weeds as beneficial role so weeds management is better as compared to weeds eradication.
Prevention of Weeds
Prevention in simple words farmer full effort that no entry of new plants or seeds into his field. Farmer adopted such type of practice that is helpful for no entry of weeds into the field this approach act as a security guard.
Prevention practice mostly uses farmer is soil polarization and weeds free seeds, sometime Farmers adopted these practices is hundred per cent but weeds come into the field from any source as air, animal dung, farm machinery and many different sources then main step is that stop growing weeds in the field so we should try to stop weeds germination before crop emergence because we do our best to prevent weeds in the field but as the entry in the field so we used some cultural practices as used of farm yard manure and mulching material of yield is underestimate reduced and then.
Preparation of land is a current issue faced by the farmer in a different zone. Sometimes heavy equipment used during land preparation results in soil breaking and soil compaction that leads to crop failure or yield underestimated reduced and then. Preparation of land is a current issue faced by the farmer in a different zone. Sometimes heavy equipment used during land preparation results in soil breaking and soil compaction which leads to crop failure appear weeds again appear so this main reason that eradication is not applied large scale.
Control of Weeds
The control approach is mostly used in the weed management process. Control of weeds means low weeds in the level of that no economic damage for crop or profitable for us and control is most adoptive approach because by adopting this we control weeds population is properly maintained this is a positive point to biodiversity management and some animals eat weeds so predator kills it.
Control weeds are named as threshold level and most weeds are perennial for them control approach is high working. To control weeds, we recommended some practices such as crop rotation because crop rotation an alternative type of crop in the field this practice totally disturb the life cycle of weeds and then the weeds population is reduced and some crop is suppress weeds for example rye grass natural weeds suppression agent by used of mulching we control weeds population as we discuss In eradication process.
Biological control is best to control weeds because it is an environmentally friendly and sustainable practice because this method introduced the natural enemies of weeds that destroyed weeds. stop growing weeds in the field so we should try to stop weeds germination before crop emergence we do our best to prevent weeds in the field but as they enter the field, so we use some cultural practices such as the use of farmyard manure and mulching material
Eradication of Weeds
Eradication means the complete removal of each part above or ground weeds, but eradication is applied only on a small scale not big areas because eradication is not an easy task In the field hundred per cent removal of weeds is impossible which is a negative point of this approach. Farmers used different machinery for the removal of weeds here one main point is that farmers think by use of different cutting machinery weeds fully disappear but this does not happen because some weed’s roots have high penetration powers their upper part is cut but the underground part is again regenerative and weeds again appear.
We eradicate weeds at the initial stages because the initial stage weeds’ persistence and competition, strength is low we easily remove weeds by used of hoeing and different cultural operation and used of pre-emergence pesticides chemicals but some farmers ignore weeds at this stage for different reasons as they are not used pre-emergence weedicides due to finance issue and some other issue but when weeds are full grow in filed then these farmers faced big economic loses and then they used different field operations but at this time weeds difficult to eradicate so eradication is not hundred per cent surety that crop yield is sustained. some easy steps to eradicate weeds from the field are the digging method, hoeing method and pulling by hand.
One mistake mostly see is as farmers pull weeds from the soil they drop weeds in the air and do not dig properly by doing this when some children do this when they pull weeds in the field then they throw weeds in the air by doing the mostly weeds seed is spread in the field then big disadvantages is too much difficult to find them so this practice should stop. Sometimes farmers use composting and farm yard manure for killing weeds when proper light and temperature cannot penetrate then weeds growth stop and some weeds go under dormancy farmer think weeds die when the favourable situation
Integrated Weed Management
Integrated weed management is another name of management that is mostly used in the field for effective ways in this we make some plans for how much we do tillage for weed control and how many times we spray weedicides in a field that is enough for controlling weeds. In the management process, our focus is to minimise herbicides used and promote long-term weed control strategies.
Management is a sum up of the above three approaches in this we used crop rotation, proper irrigation, sowing of the crop at the proper time and proper seed rate that is recommended by experts, mechanical methods, tillage, hand pulling, use of herbicides as pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicides that depend on principal where to apply, how much apply when to apply these all thing come under management approach against weeds
Ali Haider and Noor Fatima
University Of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan